Welcome to InfinityBox Press, the official site for titles by Kate Wilhelm
Kate Wilhelm
Our goal is to release Kate’s titles as ebooks and Print on Demand books, including works that have been out of print for decades. We’ll also offer rare, first edition print books of a number of Kate’s titles, some signed.
Go to our EBOOKS SHOP page to see our current catalogue and detailed information about each title—and to purchase.
NOTE: Each purchase includes two files—.mobi and .epub—for use on all devices, including Kindle.
On our BLOG page:
InfinityBox Press LLC began in 2012 as Kate Wilhelm’s response to the changing culture of the publishing industry she had been a part of since the mid-1950s. Read Kate’s essay, “Why InfinityBox Press?”
Adding a personal note to the 2001 “Kate Wilhelm Special Edition” of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Gordon Van Gelder, the magazine’s long-time editor and publisher, wrote a wonderful piece titled “Kate Wilhelm: An Appreciation.”
InfinityBox Press also owns and manages the rights to the works by renowned author, critic, and editor Damon Knight. Many of these are available at www.damonknightlibrary.com